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After Your Procedure

    • Follow the specific restriction of activity, if advised.
    • Rest for a few days after the procedure. Remember that it is easier to prevent developing pain rather than managing it once it has already developed.
    • Try to begin physical therapy a day or two after the procedure. Exercises in the first week are usually aimed at regaining joint motion. Strengthening exercises are initiated usually after 5days.
    • Most importantly is no heavy lifting or straining for two weeks after the procedure. Heavy lifting is generally considered over 20 pounds. Straining or lifting puts a lot of pressure on the area which is busy healing
    • You may continue taking your prior medications unless directed by Dr. Patel.
    • We will prescribe you any additional medications as necessary.
  • DIET: Unless you’re on fluid restriction diet, Drink plenty of fluids and resume your regular diet.
  • Any puncture sites should be kept clean and dry. You should wait to the following morning to shower or bath. Most bandages should be removed after you shower.
  • Use ice packs to control swelling. However, make sure that the ice bag does not leak into the dressing.
  • Do not drink alcohol, drive a vehicle, operate any machinery, or sign a legal document for the first 24 hours after the procedure as the effects of the sedative and/or the anesthesia administered during the procedure may last for the first 24 hours of the procedure.
  • Schedule your follow-up appointment with your doctor as advised.
  • Please consult your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:
    • Increased drainage from the incision
    • Increased redness around the operated area
    • Increased swelling that does not decrease with ice and elevation
    • Foul odor e) Fever greater than 101°F
    • Coldness, numbness, or blanched white or bluish color of the fingers or toes
    • Sudden calf pain or shortness of breath
    • Chest pain