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A variety of factors contribute to having a healthy baby, and they all start well before the delivery. Many questions should be asked about what is appropriate for your growing baby. Rockwall female health doesn’t come any more personal and professional than at Metroplex Women’s Care. Precautions are also essential to make sure your baby is born healthy and safely. The following are our tips for a healthy pregnancy.


  • No soft, aged or unpasteurized cheeses (Feta, Brie, Blue or Queso Fresco)
  • No lunch meats (deli) unless heated or steamed (pan-fried, microwave or broil) You may have ham, turkey,andchicken
  • No Sushi or raw meats
  • No more than 12 ounces of cooked/canned fish in one week
  • No Sweet n Low
  • Due toa higherconcentration of mercury found in Shark, Tilefish, Mackerel Swordfish and Albacoretuna, please limit consumption of these foods
  • Please limit caffeine and aspartame to no more than one serving daily


  • No hot baths, hot tubs or saunas
  • No high impact exercise
  • No tanning beds orself-tanninglotions
  • Do not change your cat’s litter box
  • Avoid lifting anything weighing more than 25 pounds
  • Use gloves and scooper if cleaning up after your dog outside
  • Beginning your 30th week, you should not travel more than one hour away
  • You may perm and color your hair
  • You may use water based and oil based paints if in awell-ventilatedarea


Healthy women(nonexercisers and moderate exercisers) should begin or continuemoderate-intensity aerobic activity during pregnancy at least 150 minutes a week.

Women who exercise vigorously may continue their exercise provided they remainhealthy and hydrated

Do Not Exercise If:

  • Your doctor advises against exercise
  • You have previous preterm delivery before 34 weeks
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Complicationsofpregnancy
  • Placenta problems
  • Baby not growing well


Thefollowingmedications are safe to take while pregnantfortheir respective symptoms, for questions about any of these medications, please contact us.

Pain Relievers

  • Regular Tylenol
  • Extra Strength Tylenol
  • *No Aspirin or Ibuprofen Products

Leg Cramps

  • Caltrate
  • Calcium


  • Unisom with doxylamine succinate
  •  Emetrol
  •  Nestrex
  •  Dramamine
  • Small, Frequent Meals
  • Ginger Snaps/Ginger Ale


  • Maalox
  • Tums
  • Mylanta
  • Pepcid AC
  • Zantac 150

Sinus Drainage/Allergies

  • Benadryl
  • Claritin
  • Claritin D
  • Zyrtec
  • Zyrtec D
  •  Mucinex
  • Chlor-trimeton

Nasal Decongestants

  • Sudefed
  •  Sudafed Plus
  • Afrin Nasal Spray
  • Ocean Nasal Spray


  • Robitussin (not CF or DM)
  •  Mucinex (not DM)

A soreThroat

  • Salt Water Gargle
  • Cepstat ThroatLozenges

Anti-Diarrhea Agents

  • Imodium
  • Kaopectate

 Yeast Infection

  •  Monistat
  • Gyne Lotrimin


  • High Bran Diet
  • Metamucil
  • Surfak
  • Senokot
  • Colace
  • Miralax


  • Preparation H
  • Anusol HC
  • Sitz baths
  • Tucks Pads or wipes


Intimate, and sometimes stressful, childbirth is a unique experience for every woman. These are some of the options that you have during delivery.

Laboring Options

  • Music
  • Natural Delivery
  • Birthing Ball
  • Various Position
  • Epidural if Desired

Delivery Options

  • Vaginal Birth
  • Cesarean Section

Vaginal delivery is the most common birthing option; however, every experience is catered to specific needs of the mother and the circumstances during the birth. These help to establish a comfortable, relaxing and peaceful atmosphere.


After giving birth, it is crucial to not only take care of your newborn bundle of joy but also yourself. During the first few weeks after you give birth, you will want to monitor your diet, activity, breasts and vaginal healing. We will discuss methods and ways to best take care of yourself before and after the delivery, just another way we provide Rockwall family planning for countless women.

You need to be seen for a postpartum visit six weeks after delivering; it is best to schedule this appointment as soon as possible. If delivery were done via cesarean section, you would need to plan both your delivery and postpartum appointments at the same time. This ensures that the six-week followup date is met. The following are tips are guidelines to follow after giving birth:


Maintain a nutritious diet especially if breastfeeding. 

Everything the mother eats will end up in the breast milk within two to four hours after consumption. This will affect not only the taste of the milk but also the baby’s health. Intake plenty of fluids throughout the day, to help produce an ample supply of milk.

Drink plenty of water. Women who had episiotomies, or experienced perineal tearing during delivery may experience some pain during bowel movements. Drinking plenty of water and also maintaining a high fiber diet will help to keep stools soft.


Gradually increase activity each day.

 After the first couple of days home from the hospital, it may still be challenging to move about, by increasing activity each day gradually; your body should feel back to normal within around six weeks. Light exercise is appropriate after two or three weeks after the delivery. Please note, however, abdominal activities should be avoided until approved by a healthcare provider.


Breastfeeding Best Practices.

For breastfeeding mothers, the most important consideration is whether or not the baby is latching on appropriately. If not latching on correctly, the baby may not feed well and may cause tenderness to the nipples. To help your baby into the proper latching position, bring your baby to your nipple without leaning down to reach the baby. Put a pillow on your lap and rest the baby on this elevated surface. This will help put the baby at breast level. Then you will want to gently stroke your nipple across the baby’s cheek until the mouth opens. Let your baby take your nipple, and most of your areola, about an inch deep into his/her mouth.Even if not breastfeeding, wearing a firm and supportive bra is recommended. This helps alleviate tenderness in the breasts.


If there are any complications while breastfeeding, please contact us. Cracked or bleeding nipples are common for breastfeeding mothers, but localized tenderness, hardening, or redness of the breast, along with experiencing fever or flu-like symptoms, could suggest signs of mastitis.

Vaginal Healing

Taking care and signs to watch out for

The body undergoes a significant amount of stress during pregnancy. It is vital for proper postpartum care to be taken for approximately six weeks until the body is back to normal and all wounds are healed. Vaginal bleeding is normal for around two to six weeks after the delivery. The flow gradually lessens and becomes darker in color. Avoid using tampons, stick with sanitary napkins instead. If persistent bleeding does continue, and you have to change pads every hour, contact us. You should also contact Metroplex Women’s Care should there be a foul-smelling vaginal discharge or passing of golf ball-sized blood clots.

Treatment of Soreness

Women who undergo episiotomies, or perineal tearing during delivery, will experience different levels of vaginal soreness. To alleviate pain or tenderness, place an ice pack, or a chilled witch hazel pad between a sanitary napkin and the wound. The wound should always be kept clean. After urination or bowel movements, the area should be rinsed clean, and patted dry; pouring warm water over the wound during urination may also help soothe the pain.