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Highly recommended for all women, annual exams are the perfect opportunity to ask questions or concerns you may have with your body.

Annual Exams

  • Breast exam
  • Pelvic exam
  • Pap smear
  • Evaluation of menstrual history and current lifestyle

If it is necessary, you will be recommended for specific screening tests, including colon cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer. You will be responsible for scheduling these screening tests, as well as additional laboratory tests we may recommend. If there are abnormalities found in the test results, you will be phoned. Other arrangements can be made for receiving your test results, just let us know what is most convenient for you. You are welcome at any time to call for your test results, but it will take at least seven business days following the test date before we receive your results. All of our regular test results will also be mailed directly to you.


A procedure to remove the uterus, a Hysterectomy is performed for a variety of reasons including:

  • Control heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Resolving pain associated with endometriosis
  • Prolapse of the reproductive organs.

Traditionally hysterectomy was performed through a total vaginal approach or an abdominal incision. The laparoscopic procedure gives a much quicker recovery time and has fewer complications. Patients undergoing laparoscopic hysterectomy are typically discharged the next day, while abdominal hysterectomy patients may require 2 or 3 days in the hospital. They may also have a longer post-operative recovery time. Most women elect to keep their ovaries to avoid immediate menopause. For information about our various other procedures accomplished through laparoscopy click here.

Urinary Incontinence

The accidental or involuntary loss of urine that is usually due to weak muscles in the urinary tract. There can be several factors that contribute to incontinence including primarily vaginal birth, and menopause that is due to decreased levels of estrogen.

Factors can also include neurological, gastrointestinal and pulmonary disease, nervous system disorders, smoking, obesity. Caucasian females are most likely to be affected by urinary incontinence.

The Numbers

There are reportedly 13 to 25 million people in the United States affected by urinary incontinence. However, this number is a low estimate; many cases are not reported because of embarrassment or the belief that there may not be a treatment. We offer comprehensive treatment for urinary incontinence in Rockwall, so please give us a call if you are currently suffering from or have questions regarding urinary incontinence. We provide office-based treatments and surgical-based options so give us a call to find out which is best for you


Stress Incontinence (SUI)

Stress incontinence is an accidental loss of urine, released upon intraabdominal pressure; this can occur when walking, sneezing, coughing or laughing.

Urge Incontinence/Detrusor Instability (DI)

Also known as detrusor instability, this is the involuntary loss of urine associated with a strong, abrupt, and often uncontrollable desire to urinate. The detrusor is the smooth muscle wall of the bladder when it experiences over activity the result is incontinence.

Urge Incontinence/Detrusor Instability may be related to conditioning. One such case may be people when they are out all day are continent, but when arriving home are unable to control sudden urges due to familiarity with routine urination. People with DI may also experience an urge when they see a bathroom or hear the sound of running water.

Mixed Incontinence

When people experience both stresses (SUI) and urge (DI) incontinence symptoms, they have what is known as mixed incontinence. 40% or more of women experiencing incontinence suffer from mixed incontinence symptoms. If you happen to be one of them give us a call or contact us here.

Overflow Incontinence

This occurs when small amounts of urine escape a constantly full bladder without feeling the urge to urinate. This most commonly happens when women stand, bend, or exert themselves. It is very common for women with a large cystocele and could also be caused by under activity of the detrusor muscle.


Metroplex Women’s Care offers Rockwall female urinary treatment through extensive diagnosis and treatment. Proper diagnosis is achieved through:

  • In clinic evaluation
  • Daily diary tracking spontaneous voids over a 1 to 3 day period
  • Physical examination of the lower urinary tract
  • Urinalysis and culture – a clean, midstream urine sample
  • Formal office Urodynamics.


Stress incontinence can be treated by behavioral modification, surgical management or pharmacological treatment. Women with urge incontinence are best treated by behavioral techniques or medications. Our treatment plans offer the least invasive approach first, surgical options are reserved for women who decline, or don’t improve following conservative management. There are numerous products available providing security against unplanned voids including protective perineal pads. These products are only temporary fixes however and will not cure the problem.

Incontinent women should always avoid excess fluid intake and should limit their intake to about 2 liters a day. Caffeinated beverages should not be taken at all or at least reduced to no more than 8 ounces per day.