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STD’s are common and occur in women of all ages. Many women with one are unaware because they have minor or no symptoms. They can occur in women with only one partner.

STD’s include diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, genital warts, hepatitis, HIV, and syphilis. Many of the STD’s are treatable, but some are incurable. Abstinence, or no sexual relations, is the only way to prevent the spread of STD’s completely. Always use latex condoms if you choose to have sexual relations.


Most STD’s are spread through body fluids. Genital warts and herpes can be spread by skin to skin contact. Some women have no symptoms but can have the disease and pass it on to others. Symptoms in women may include: burning with urination, vaginal discharge, and genital cuts or sores. If left untreated, STD’s can cause infertility, chronic pelvic pain, or genital cancer.

More than 12 million Americans have some form of an STD. If you learn you do have an STD, you can take measures to free yourself of the disease; this will also help protect others who may contract the STD unknowingly. If you have questions and concerns about having an STD be sure to contact us here at Metroplex Women’s Care.

Risk Factors

  • Having had one or more sexual partners
  • Having a partner who has or has had more than one sexual partner
  • Having sex with someone with an STD
  • Having a history of STDs
  • Using intravenous drugs (injected into a vein) or your partner uses intravenous drugs

Reduce your risk

  • Know your sexual partners and limit the number
  • Use a latex condom every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex
  • Avoid risky sex practices that tear or break the skin
  • Get immunized-A vaccination is available that will help prevent hepatitis B

Types of STDs


A severe infection of the liver that is caused by a virus, hepatitis B, and C can be sexually transmitted and spread by direct contact with the body fluids (vaginal fluids, blood, semen) of a person infected. Infection of hepatitis B has a chance of being prevented by a vaccine. However, there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C infection. Most people infected with hepatitis B or hepatitis C recover thoroughly. However, some develop chronic liver infections, which can lead to long-term health problems.

HIV Infection

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The rate of HIV infection is increasing most rapidly among women who have sex with men. HIV enters the bloodstream through body fluids, usually semen or blood. Once inside the blood, the virus then invades and kills cells of the immune system-the body’s natural defense against disease.

HIV weakens the immune system, which can lead to AIDS. With AIDS, a person’s immune system is so weakened that other life-threatening conditions, such as infections or cancer may occur. Although there is no cure for HIV, treatment may prevent or delay the onset of AIDS, which can be fatal.

Genital Herpes

Millions of Americans carry the genital herpes virus. Sores around or on the genitals are the most common symptom of herpes. Appearing as red spots, bumps, or blisters, they can last from a few days to a few weeks. The virus remains in your body after symptoms go away, which often occurs by themselves. Treatment can help heal sores, but can’t kill the virus. Usually, the infection is transmitted to others without knowing it, so it is important to be tested.


A microscopic parasite that is spread through sex is Trichomonas vaginitis. Although many people have not symptoms, the disease can be cured with treatment. Symptoms include discharge from the vagina and vaginal itching and redness.