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ADHD Assessment

ADHD Assessment

ADHD Testing at Forest Lane Pediatrics of Dallas, Frisco and Mesquite

Thank you for allowing us to participate in assessing your child’s educational needs. We know that your child’s emotional and educational well-being is important to you as a family. In order to make your visit with the doctor productive, please provide us with the items below and complete the questionnaires fully. A staff member will contact you once all appropriate documents are received. The providers also will need to examine your child prior to prescribing any medication. If you wish to meet with the doctor privately, please discuss with the scheduler when making this appointment.

Please download and fill out the hyperlinked forms below. In order to schedule an Initial ADHD Assessment, all of the requested documents below will need to be submitted and reviewed by the physician:

  1. Initial Evaluation Questionnaire for ADHD Assessment
  2. ADHD Controlled Substance Policy (PDF) Download
  3. Vanderbilt ADHD Assessment – Teacher (PDF) Download
  4. Vanderbilt ADHD Assessment – Parent (Prefer that each parent complete the form) (PDF) Download
  5. Recent report card
  6. Any previous evaluations of your child’s learning (school IEP, psycho-educational testing, IQ testing, standardized test)

Please submit paperwork listed above. A staff member will contact you to schedule an appointment once the doctor has a chance to review the documents.

ADHD Objective Testing

In addition to the paperwork mentioned above, your physician may recommend assessment of your child’s attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity using a tool called Qb Test. This test would be performed in the office prior to your doctor visit and will take ~ 30 minutes. Once your doctor has had a chance to review the Qb Test results and the submitted paperwork, then we will contact you to schedule an Initial ADHD Assessment office visit where the results will be reviewed with you and the treatment plan discussed.

What is Qb Test?

It is an FDA cleared, objective computer-based test that measures activity, attention, and impulsivity by combining attention measurements with an activity analysis based on a motion tracking system. The test results are instantly analyzed and presented in a report that compares a patient’s results with a group of people of the same age and gender who do not have ADHD.

How is Qb Test Performed?

The test can be performed in the office or from a computer at home. For the initial test we recommend completing Qb Test in the office. The Qb Test equipment consists of an infrared camera, a head-band with a reflective marker attached to it and a response button. During the test a number of symbols are shown on the computer screen. The task is to push the responder button when a certain symbol appears on the screen. Qb Check is similar but the computer’s camera is used to track the movement of the test taker instead of the infrared camera and head band.

How Long Does Qb Test Take?

The test takes 15 to 20 minutes depending on the age of the person undertaking the test, however time is needed before the test to teach the child how to perform it.

Prior to your appointment, please contact your insurance provider and confirm whether or not the following medications are covered by your prescription plan:

  • Adderall XR
  • Aptensio XR
  • Atomoxetine
  • Cotempla XR
  • Dexmethylphenidate ER
  • Dyanavel XR
  • Guanfacine ER
  • Methylphenidate ER
  • Methylphenidate CD
  • Methylphenidate LA
  • Vyvanse
  • Quillivant XR

Please bring a list of covered medications with you to your appointment to share with the doctor, should medication be recommended. Failure to provide the doctor with this information may result in a delay in your prescription or a prescription recommendation that is not covered by your insurance.

ADHD Resources and Frequently Asked Questions

Follow-up Evaluation Questionnaire for ADHD Assessment

To help us assess how your child is responding to treatment for ADHD, please download at least one Parent and one Teacher Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up form and send the completed forms to us via the portal or bring them to your child’s ADHD follow-up appointment.

Learning Disorders

Learning disorders are a common cause of academic frustration for children and can often result in behaviors similar to those seen in children with ADHD. It is also possible for a child to have both ADHD and a learning disorder. As a result, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a child with ADHD, a child with a learning disorder, or a child with both. If you think your child might have a learning disorder, click here to submit an application to have an evaluation at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. They do an excellent job of evaluating children for learning differences, but the wait list is usually about 6 months, so we encourage you to apply early if you have any concerns. For information about Dyslexia, a common learning disorder that affects up to 10% of children, click here.

For those children who have both ADHD and a learning disorder, it is important to treat the ADHD so that the child has the best opportunity to learn well and cope with the learning disorder. Therefore, it is appropriate to pursue an ADHD evaluation while you are waiting to complete the learning disorder evaluation.