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McIntosh Trail Family Practice Incorporates State-Of-The-Art Technology For YOU!

Our First Responsibility is to you


Our first responsibility is to you, our patients, who deserve excellent service and the highest quality medical care. We are also committed to harnessing the latest technology to enhance your experience with us. This starts with our very first contact with you, which may be here on our website where you may learn more about our providers and the multiple services offered at all our locations. You may use our website to learn valuable information about your illnesses through links to patient information and online videos.

Technology Working Behind the Scenes

Much of our technology we have incorporated is ‘behind the scenes,” to make your experience more enjoyable, accurate, and efficient. We utilize the latest in medical and computer equipment to provide you with optimal medical care. Having your medications on our electronic medical record reduces the risk of medication errors because it intercepts potential drug interactions and allows transmission of your prescriptions faster to your pharmacy through the use of ePrescribe (emailed prescriptions). This reduces your wait time at the pharmacy too!

During your office visit, lab work is ordered electronically and received electronically, so results come back to us quicker. Our electronic fax system routes your faxed test or radiology reports (from hospitals or other facilities) and correspondence from specialists to your chart. This reduces your wait time to receive test results.

Dedicated to Excellence in Health Care

We are dedicated to excellence by providing comprehensive care to all who seek our services. Having your medical information in an electronic medical record allows us to optimize the control of your chronic diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. Our health care maintenance guideline reminders help you stay up to date on preventative care recommendations such as physicals, disease screening tests such as mammograms, PAP smears, prostate and colon cancer screenings.

Thank You

We recognize the value of your trust in us to care for your health care. We look forward to continuing to serve you.