REMINDER : The office is open on Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM. We currently do not accept Workers' Compensation or MVA patients.
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Proudly Part of Privia Health
McIntosh Trail Family Practice is partnered with Pinnacle Allery to offer in-office allergy testing. The Pinnacle skin scratch test checks for allergic reactions to 70 allergens, 50 air borne and 20 non-inhalant foods, that are found in Georgia. Intradermal testing is used to confirm any positive reactions.
Using both skin scratch and intradermal testing, we can isolate which allergens are causing problems and customize a treatment plan to address those allergens and related symptoms. Other options patients may discuss with their healthcare provider include a IgE allergy blood test, a specific IgE test for individual allergen, and patch skin testing.
After testing is complete, your healthcare provider will discuss treatment options that include: medications, steroids, immunotherapy, and symptom relief. Our goal is to offer every patient a customized treatment plan resulting in the best outcome for that patient.
Allergy symptoms that go untreated can lead to sinus and ear infections, fatigue and lethargy. So, if you are experiencing symptoms such as, running nose, congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, hives, or itching call and schedule a consultation appointment to discuss allergy testing and treatment options that are best for you.