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REMINDER : The office is open on Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM. We currently do not accept Workers' Compensation or MVA patients.

REMINDER : The office is open on Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM. We currently do not accept Workers' Compensation or MVA patients.


Monoclonal Antibodies Therapy

McIntosh Trail Family Practice and McMed Urgent Care are now offering treatment with monoclonal antibodies to prevent high risk COVID patients from progressing to more severe disease or even hospitalization.

What are monoclonal antibodies? This FDA approved antibody therapy consist of laboratory-made proteins that mimic the immune systems’ ability to fight harmful viruses like SARS-COV-2. By attacking the virus, it reduces its ability to spread throughout your body.

Eligibility to receive the monoclonal antibodies includes having a positive COVID test, having symptoms for 10 days or less, and having mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19. In addition, the Provider will review cases individually to determine who will best benefit from the therapy based on other criteria.

The treatment is a 30-minute infusion and is covered by Medicare and most commercial insurance plans pay for the treatment and may waive any patient portion. Patients should always check with their health plan to verify insurance coverage.

McMed is open Monday through Friday 8:00am-5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm. Walk-in COVID testing is available. If monoclonal therapy is appropriate, the treatment can be scheduled within 24-48 hours.