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For information about how to protect your child during a Measles outbreak visit this helpful link.

For information about how to protect your child during a Measles outbreak visit this helpful link.

Watch for Symptoms

COVID-19 Infection Prevention Protocol

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have instituted the following procedures to keep our patients, staff, and doctors safe:

  • Masks are required in public areas of the office for all persons 2 years and older. Once in the exam room, masks are optional. If you or your child have a cold, cough, fever, or concern for COVID we require that a mask be worn at all times.
  • When interacting with a patient, all doctors and staff wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • Please only bring the patient who is scheduled to be seen to the appointment. Siblings who are not scheduled to be seen should stay home.
  • We are limiting the number of people in the office by:
    • Requiring that insurance be verified and development questionnaires be completed prior to the appointment.
    • Scheduling the next well visit at check-in to decrease congestion at check-out.
  • Enhanced cleaning procedures between every patient encounter

If you are scheduled to have a Virtual Visit, we ask that you do the following:

  • Please make sure you have a strong internet connection and that the video and audio functions are turned on and working properly on your device.
  • Find a quiet, well-lit space for your child’s visit.
  • Please make sure that your child is present for the appointment.
  • Please take your child's temperature prior to the visit.
  • Whenever possible, weigh your child prior to the appointment. This will help with the doctor's assessment and will also allow the doctor to properly dose medications.
  • Keep a flashlight nearby to help the doctor examine your child.
  • Have any medications your child is currently taking with you during the appointment.

We are committed to the care and safety of our patients and families and encourage all of you to continue to wear face coverings and socially distance. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our infection control policies and procedures please do not hesitate to ask.