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You may be due for your annual exam. If so, schedule your appointment and ask the pharmacy to request a 1 month refill only. We can only give a 1 month extension as 12 refills are given at the time of the annual.

If you are up to date with your appointments, ask the pharmacy to send a refill request to the office.

  • To comply with medical guidelines and state regulations, patients receiving controlled substances will need to be seen more frequently than once a year. For up to date information, click here.
  • Non-controlled prescriptions: If you are up to date with your appointments, ask the pharmacy to send a refill request to the office.

Ask your current pharmacy to transfer the information to the new pharmacy.

There is a $15 fee for lost prescriptions. Call the office at (407) 830-9000 ext. 234 and leave your pharmacy and prescription information as well as your credit card information and we will call the prescription in and charge your credit card for the $15 fee.

  • Ask the mail-order pharmacy to electronically request a refill. This can only be done if you are up to date with your well woman exam and/or follow-up appointments.
  • If you are due for an appointment but need a refill to get you until the appointment we can fill 1 month for you at a local pharmacy. Ask the pharmacy to request 1 refill or fill out a prescription refill request online under contact us with a local pharmacy’s information.


No, we are not accepting new patients.

Yes, we require appointments. Walk-ins are not accepted.

Everyone will receive an appointment reminder 1-2 business days before the appointment by our automated system email, text message and/or phone call.

  • We prefer to address any problems before we do your annual well woman exam.
  • Well woman exams are just that, intended to provide screening exams and review wellness issues. We can usually address only a limited range of problems during this time. If you have multiple or extensive concerns, we will need to schedule an additional problem visit at another time​
  • Insurance benefits are often different for well/preventative vs. sick/problem visits and we must comply with your insurance company contracts or the claim will be denied.
  • If you have multiple concerns, please understand that your provider may need to ask you to come back in order to complete your annual exam and/or to address your problem(s) thoroughly.

  • You may access your results via our patient portal
  • Pap smear results are also available via the pertaining lab your insurance requires such as Quest, Labcorp or Adventhealth.
  • Any diagnostic testing such as Repeat pap smears, Diagnostic Radiology, Labs and Pathology will receive a text message with the results. (Please be certain we have an updated cell phone number.) or a phone call.


Call the office and leave a detailed message with symptoms and pharmacy information. Do not send an email. Your clinical condition will determine whether we treat you via a virtual visit or an office visit

If you are having abnormal bleeding (that is NOT breakthrough bleeding due to a new birth control start) you must make an appointment to be evaluated by a provider.

  • For a change or start of birth control, you need to make an appointment. At that time we will discuss, evaluate, and choose the best option for you this maybe done by an office consultation or by scheduling Telehealth appointment.
  • If you have been seen within the last 12 months you may send us a message on the Contact Us section or call the nurses station at (407) 830-9000 ext. 234 and leave your prescription information name, dose and side effects and pharmacy information.

You may also refer to the insert that came with your birth control or go to the manufacturer’s website for more information regarding your specific prescription.

Pregnancy Care

No, we do not do any pregnancy care. We will run a pregnancy test on an established patient only. Then you will need to seek care with a health care professional who provides pregnancy care.


You must fill out a records request form. This is available on the website here and can be mailed or faxed to the office. It may take up to 7-10 business days to complete your request.

If you are requesting your records for yourself, these records may incur a charge, depending on the number of pages. There will be a prepayment fee (Pursuant to the Florida Administrative Code 21m-26.003 of $1.00 per page for the first 25 pages and $0.25 cents thereafter.


This means that you scheduled an appointment which you did not show to the office for.

  • If it was a regular office visit or annual exam: $50
  • If it was a procedure (including in-office procedures, IUD insertions/removal, Colposcopy, Endometrial Biopsy, Hysteroscopy, LEEP and skin tags removal.): $100
  • Each time a patient misses an appointment without providing proper notice, another patient is prevented from receiving care. Therefore, patients who do not show up for their appointment without a call to cancel at least 72 hours before the appointment time will be considered as NO SHOW. This fee is not covered by insurance and must be paid in full prior to your next appointment. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we strive to best serve the needs of all our patients.

There are multiple ways to pay off a balance that you may have with our office, including those for records and no show appointments.

  • Patient portal
  • Mail in to the office.
  • Come into the office and pay with cash or credit card.
  • Return any statement you receive in the mail with your credit card information.

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