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Lab-Based Sleep Studies

Comprehensive lab-based sleep study capabilities

Lab-based sleep studies are necessary for certain situations, such as when we need our sleep technologist to provide treatment, we need to stage sleep, or specialized equipment needs to be used. Common lab-based sleep studies performed at Advanced Respiratory and Sleep Medicine include:

  • Polysomnography
  • Positive airway pressure titrations
  • Multiple sleep latency testing (MSLT)
  • Maintenance of wakefulness testing (MWT)

What to expect during a sleep study

During a lab-based study, a registered polysomnographic technician will be with you the entire time. Multiple sensors will be placed on your body to monitor electroencephalogram (EEG or brain waves), electromyogram (EMG or muscle activity), electrooculogram (EOG or eye activity), electrocardiogram (EKG), and respiratory monitors. The sleep study is usually video recorded to monitor behavior.

Certain sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, REM behavior sleep, and other parasomnias can only be diagnosed in the sleep lab. Specific treatments such as adaptive servo-ventilation and oxygen titration can only be done in the sleep lab. If you have any questions about the lab-based sleep tests performed at Advanced Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, please don’t hesitate to contact us.