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The Importance of an Annual Well-Woman Exam

If you want to stay on top of your game and tackle your daily to-do list with efficiency and success, it’s imperative that you maintain your health. Annual well-woman exams are the best way to sidestep preventable health problems and keep sick days to a minimum.

At Washington OB-GYN & Washington Wellness in San Antonio, Texas, we understand your busy schedule, and we help you keep it running smoothly by prioritizing your health. Dr. Jerome Washington offers thorough well-woman exams aimed at detecting early signs of health issues and helping you recognize the signs of potential problems.

Why is an annual well-woman exam important?

If your goal is to stay active and productive, put your annual well-woman exam at the top of your priority list. Here are five reasons to make a well-woman appointment once a year.

1. Prevent certain health issues

You take your car in for an oil change before the light on the dash comes on, you go to the dentist to check for cavities before the pain begins, and the same concept holds for your overall health — the best care is preventive care.

Many diseases start off with no symptoms whatsoever, and by the time you notice them, the problem has already progressed. During a simple pelvic exam, which is part of a routine well-woman exam, Dr. Washington can detect any abnormalities.

A Pap smear allows him to check for any cellular changes in your cervical tissue that may be a sign of cancer. A breast exam can reveal tissue anomalies that may suggest the need for further testing.

The good news is that most of the health issues these tests catch can be treated successfully if caught early. If you skip your annual well-woman exams, you may not have that advantage.

We also perform screenings for other health conditions, such as sexually transmitted infections, heart disease, and human papillomavirus (HPV) to give you a clean bill of health and peace of mind.

2. Establish a baseline of your health

Although the term “normal” refers to a standard range in the medical community, each woman has her own normal. And because change is often the first sign of a health problem, it’s critical that we know what’s normal for you so we can compare numbers and test results later.

Annual well-woman exams help us establish a baseline for your health status so when Dr. Washington examines you again next year, he can detect changes that may signal a concern even before symptoms appear. Your weight, skin, blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol levels are just a few of the markers that help us monitor your health.

3. Address reproductive health issues

Whether you’re having your first child or your fifth, you can trust Dr. Washington to guide you through your pregnancy and keep you and your baby safe and healthy. From prenatal nutrition and planning to delivery, we’re with you every step of the way.

Your annual well-woman exam is a great time to discuss your family planning needs, desires, and concerns. If you want to avoid pregnancy, talk to Dr. Washington about your birth control options at your appointment. There are many new methods available, and he can help you decide which is best for you.

4. Learn more about your own health

An annual well-woman exam is ideal for learning how to spot warning signs of diseases and to perform at-home self-exams. For example, self-breast exams are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting breast cancer.

We can show you exactly how to do this so you know when to seek help. We also let you know how often to schedule a mammogram.

5. Understand what’s normal — and what’s not

Many women live with health problems because they think they’re a normal part of getting older or just something every woman deals with. However, it surprises most women to find out that these conditions are easy to resolve in many cases. Some examples include:

  • Heavy periods
  • Pelvic pain
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Painful sex
  • Lack of libido

You don’t have to suffer through these symptoms. Talk to Dr. Washington about what you’re experiencing — the treatment is often simple.

If you think you’re too busy for a well-woman exam, consider what an extended illness might do to your schedule. Prioritizing your health is the best thing you can do for yourself and those you love and care for. To schedule your annual well-woman exam, call the office or make an appointment online today.