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Radiological Services

Stephenville Medical & Surgical Clinic offers the convenience of radiological services.

Radiological Services

State-Certified Radiology Department

The radiology department is certified by the State of Texas and provides quality services performed by dedicated, highly qualified registered technicians. Our services include radiographics / X-rays, mammograms, sonograms, and nuclear medicine.

Experienced Staff

Dr. Nanette Evans, radiologist, and Marsha Rogers and Claire Cole, mammography technicians, are dedicated to providing the best care possible. Friendly and compassionate, they make an otherwise uncomfortable procedure bearable. We are fortunate to have all three providing services at Stephenville Medical & Surgical Clinic!

3-D Mammography

With early detection, the five-year breast cancer survival rate is almost 100%. 3-D mammography can detect breast cancer up to 15 months earlier than standard mammography.

It also detects 41% more invasive cancers, while reducing false alarms by up to 40%. Call us today at 254-968-6051!

Advanced Technology

The Genius 3-D Mammography™ exam is the first and only clinically superior breast exam that takes images of multiple levels of tissue. This is also approved by the FDA.

The exam is similar to a conventional 2-D mammogram (the ones you are accustomed to having done at SMSC).

Clearer Images

You will be positioned by the technologist, the breasts will be compressed, and images from different angles will be obtained.

There is no extra compression required, but the images are with better details, and the radiologist views the breast tissue in layers instead of a flat image

SMSC has earned a Breast Image Center of Excellence designation from the American Center of Radiology. SMSC can perform all breast services including: 2D and 3D Mammograms, Breast Ultrasounds, and Stereotactic Breast Biopsies. We provide the convenience of local with the assurance of quality.