This vaccine protects against the most common form of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract which can include the lungs, sinuses, and inner ear. Over the years there have been different variants of this vaccine. The first was the Prevnar 13, then the Prevnar 15, and now the Prevnar 20 vaccine. Initially it was recommended you get a Prevnar 13 and then a year later the old pneumococcal vaccine which was the PPSV23 vaccine. Current recommendations are for only the Prevnar 20 vaccine. It is indicated for people over age 65, or people with chronic respiratory conditions or immunosuppression that predispose them to pneumonia or chronic sinus infections. There is no downside to getting a newer version of the vaccine if you have had a previous version.
Richard Bernstein M.D. F.C.C.P.
Pulmonary Medicine
Medical Director Privia Clinical Research Mid-Atlantic 10/30/2023 RAB
*The main contraindication to vaccination, is a history of anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction to vaccines or its components. If you have a history of this please discuss with your physician prior to receiving vaccination.