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Hormone Replacement and Body Composition

Very few areas of medicine generate as much controversy amongst physicians as hormone replacement therapy for men and women. Patients can get one opinion for one doctor and a very different opinion from another, each claiming deep subject matter expertise. Combine that with the fact that current medication approvals by the FDA and recommendations for treatment by our Professional Societies in this area are limited, resulting in what some consider the “wild wild west” for patients to figure out on their own.

Both Men and Women hit a peak in their sex hormone levels in early adulthood, then slowly decline over the rest of their lives. For men, the primary sex hormone is Testosterone, an important factor to maintain muscle mass, strength and libido. Women also have Testosterone, but in lower amounts than men. They also produce Estrogen and Progesterone during their reproductive years. The drop in Testosterone is a slow and steady descent for both sexes, whereas the drop in Estrogen and Progesterone is more abrupt in women at menopause or when surgically induced. Whereas this drop and/or loss of the sex hormones is a part of the “normal” aging process, the variations in hormone levels at any given age and the effects of those changes varies greatly from individual to individual. Furthermore, as our life expectancy lengthens, researchers are beginning to question classifying this decline as “normal aging” vs “ hormone deficiency”. Privia Medical Group is proud to offer comprehensive Hormone Replacement and Body Composition services to our patients focused on creating a plan of care customized to the patients needs, symptoms and underlying medical conditions.