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Post Op Instructions


  • Call for temperature of 101 or greater
  • No baths for 2 weeks, only showers
  • No intercourse for 6-8 weeks depending on type of hysterectomy
  • No lifting over 10 pounds
  • No driving for 1-2 weeks or until not taking narcotics
  • Keep incision clean and dry. Wash gently in shower and pat dry.
  • Clear to white drainage from incision is normal
  • Report increased redness or swelling. Report drainage that changes color or has a foul odor
  • Light vaginal spotting and bleeding is normal. Report heavy bright red bleeding
  • Increase fluid intake after surgery to help prevent constipation
  • May take stool softeners such as Colase 100 mg twice a day or Surfak 240mg twice a day
  • Rest when needed, but activity is important in your recovery
  • No exercise for six weeks or until released by your doctor
  • Take prescribed pain medicine as needed. Report an increase in pain
  • Follow up with your doctor 2 weeks after surgery

Cesarean section

  • Report temperature of greater than 101
  • Report increased drainage that has a foul odor or an increase in redness or pain at the incision
  • No lifting over ten pounds
  • Vaginal bleeding is to be expected for up to six weeks
  • No baths for 2 weeks, only showers
  • No intercourse for six weeks
  • Follow up two weeks after delivery

Novasure endometrial ablation

  • Soreness around the vagina or cramping is expected. Take your pain medicine as directed. Remember that narcotic pain medicines may cause nausea.
  • Nausea is common. If you experience nausea at home, take only clear liquids. When you begin to feel better, slowly start adding solid foods
  • Varying amounts of vaginal bleeding after an endometrial ablation procedure are expected. You may experience watery discharge. You may also notice some vaginal passage of small pieces of tissue. This represents remnants of the areas that were ablated from the lining of the uterus and are continuing to be passed with the bloody discharge. Worsening pain should be reported
  • Intercourse may be resumed in 2 weeks
  • No soaking baths for 3 days
  • Call if you have a temp of greater than 101
  • Call if you develop a greenish or foul smelling discharge