Same Day Appointments for Acute Illnesses
Same day appointments for acute illnesses is the standard in my practice with rare exceptions. I beleive that if you are sick, you should see a physician as soon as possible. There may be a wait as we work you into what is most likely a busy schedule, but you will be seen and taken care of rather than being sent to an emergency room. I am happy to stay late or work through lunch to accommodate additional patient visits. Exceptions include rigid time constraints such as out of town travel/flights, speaking engagements, or other prior evening commitments. In cases where you will need to see a specialist on an urgent basis, we will work hard to get you in to see someone within 24 hours.
Core Services
- Allergy testing (OncImmune, ImmunoCap, and ELISA-ACT Biotechnologies)
- Botox®
- Cardiac evaluations (including EKGs)
- Chronic disease management
- Cleveland heart lab (in house)
- Comprehensive, annual physicals
- Custom wellness plans
- Flu shots
- Health diagnostics lab (in house)
- Health Maintenance
- Laboratory services
- Men’s and women’s health
- Nutrition and fitness assessments
- Patient education
- Preventive and wellness care
- Quest lab (same floor patient service center)
- School, camp, and life insurance physicals
- Skin rashes
- Specialist care coordination
- Travel medicine and vaccinations
- Urgent/acute care (same-day appointments)
- Vaccines/immunizations
Top Conditions Treated
- Acne
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Chronic diseases
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Emphysema
- Heart disease
- High cholesterol
- Infectious diseases
- Injuries
- Menopause
- Obesity
- Osteoporosis
- Pneumonia
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Sleep apnea
- Vaginitis/Vaginosis