About Us
We see patients by appointment only. We strive to provide same or next day appointments with your doctor or with one of our physician assistants. Please call our office number to schedule your next appointment. If you need to cancel your appointment, we ask that you please give us twenty-four hours’ notice.
Prescription Refills
Our Office requires 48 hours notice for prescription refills. Prescription refill requests can be entered through our web site or by phone. Please have your prescription bottles available when requesting refills. We will need the name of the medication, the strength and the dosing instructions, as well as the name and phone number of your pharmacy. Patient Portal or call (757) 484-7386.
We participate with most insurance plans. However, we recommend that you confirm with your specific plan that we are a participating provider. Co-payments are expected at the time of service unless arrangements are made prior to your appointment. We accept cash, check, Visa, or MasterCard.
We have a full service lab available in our office. Lab services for this draw site are provided by LabCorp of America. The lab is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. They are closed for lunch from 12:30 – 1:00.