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We have temporarily relocated to 17030 highway 3 Webster, TX 77058 due to hurricane damages.

We have temporarily relocated to 17030 highway 3 Webster, TX 77058 due to hurricane damages.

Post Partum

Your baby is finally here! The joys and challenges of motherhood are about to begin. It is important to remember to take care of yourself as well as your new baby. Caring for a new baby can be fun but it is also hard work. How much and how often you should feed the baby? What do you do when the baby is crying, or sick? How do you prevent accidents? These questions can be overwhelming at first, but you will quickly adjust. A new baby needs constant care, but you will be skilled at taking care of your child in no time. There are people out there, including your family, friends, doctor, and support groups, which will help you get through it. You are not alone.

You have experienced nine months of changes in your body. Those changes will continue in the next couple of months as you decide whether or not to breastfeed and as your body starts to recover from having the baby. It is important to take care of yourself during this time. Make sure to rest when you can and don’t try to do too much.

In addition to the physical changes to your body, you may feel depressed. This can be a very normal phase following childbirth. 50% to 75% of new mothers feel a little sad or depressed after giving birth. These feelings can range from very mild to serious, but there is help. Be aware of your feelings and continue to talk with your family, friends, and your doctor. Sometimes this depression will go away on its own, but medication or therapy may be needed. Both can help you feel better and get back to enjoying your new baby.