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Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid Disorders

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland responsible for creating the hormones that affect a person’s physical energy, temperature, weight and mood. The thyroid is located in the front of the neck, below the Adam’s apple. Thyroid disorders are most common among older individuals and women. They result in either abnormal function or abnormal growth in the gland. Unbalanced production of the thyroid hormone results in hypothyroidism (too little hormone) or hyperthyroidism (too much hormone). An unusual growth in the thyroid, most commonly benign nodules, can cause pressure on the neck and difficulty with swallowing, breathing or speaking. Thyroid cancer is a less common disease of the thyroid, with a cure rate more than 90 percent when medically treated. In fact, most thyroid disorders are easily detectable and treatable. If you are experiencing thyroid disease symptoms, consider requesting a thyroid examination.

Symptoms of Abnormal Thyroid Function


  • Depression, feeling blue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Tiredness
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Weight gain
  • Feeling cold all the time


  • Nervousness, anxiety
  • Weight loss
  • Tremor, shaking Fast, irregular pulse
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling hot all the time