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News & Announcements

October Newsletter: Chiropractic Care to Improve Workplace Ergonomics

Oct 10

Aches and pains don't have to be an unwelcome consequence of a day at work. Chiropractic care helps you protect your muscles, joints, and tissues and avoid pain

Welcome Marina Arutyunyan, DO, MPH
October Newsletter: Can Chiropractic Care Help with Digestive Disorders?

Oct 10

Can you remember the last time you left home without a roll of antacids or a bottle of pills? Planning ahead is important if you never know when nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, gas, or other symptoms could ruin your day. If you're struggling to control your digestive disorder symptoms, a visit to the chiropractor may be just what you need to quiet your gastrointestinal system.

We Are Members of Privia Medical Group

Dec 05

As of December 5, 2023, we are proud members of Privia Medical Group!

November Newsletter: How Chiropractic Care Can Help Runners

Nov 10

Olympians Molly Huddle, Will Claye, and Colleen Quigley rely on chiropractic care to stay in top shape for running competitions. Visiting a chiropractor could be just as beneficial for you. Whether you're a casual runner, a marathoner, or an Olympic hopeful, chiropractic care eases pain, soothes aching muscles, and helps you avoid injuries.

March Newsletter: How Chiropractic Helps Patients with Scoliosis

Mar 10

Managing scoliosis can be challenging whether you're an adult or a teenager. Adding chiropractic to your treatment regimen offers a natural way to relieve pain and improve comfort.

Lab Microscope
April Newsletter: Is Your Back Ready for Spring? Visit a Chiropractor!

Apr 10

Humans may not hibernate, but we certainly become less active during the winter. Now that spring is here, you probably have plenty of things you'd like to do. Unfortunately, it's not so easy to jump back into sports or start your weekly yardwork routine if your back is stiff and sore. A visit to the chiropractor can relieve stiffness and pain and help you accomplish everything on your spring to-do list.

April Newsletter: Chiropractic Can Help You Stay Fit as You Age

Apr 10

It's no secret that an active lifestyle can help you stay healthier as you get older. In fact, vigorous exercise performed just 15 - 20 minutes per week decreased the risk of death by 16 - 40% in a research study published in the European Heart Journal. Luckily, chiropractic will help you keep your muscles and joints limber and ready for your favorite type of exercise.

May Newsletter: Is Your Spine Ready for Summer?

May 10

You may be ready to welcome summer, but is your back? Taking a few precautions now, such as visiting your chiropractor, will help you ensure you're ready to experience all the fun the season offers.

May Newsletter: Your Chiropractor Can Help You Recover from Sports Injuries

May 10

Do the days seem to drag on when an injury prevents you from participating in your favorite sport or activity? If you don't want to spend a minute more than necessary on the sidelines, consider paying a visit to your chiropractor. In addition to easing pain and stiffness, chiropractic treatments can reduce your recovery time.

Welcome Marina Arutyunyan, DO, MPH
June Newsletter: How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Knee Pain

Jun 10

Wondering what you can do about your knee pain? Whether your symptoms are recent or you're suffering from chronic pain, all-natural chiropractic care can relieve your symptoms and improve your mobility.