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Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is a cutting-edge medical technique that looks at your unique genetic makeup and that can be used to see how your DNA might shape your health over the course of your life. A sample of DNA is collected—typically with a small sample of blood or saliva—then analyzed in a lab to look for evidence of genetic disorders or vulnerabilities to some diseases. For example, people with certain gene mutations might develop some cancers earlier in life, or at a higher rate, than the general population.

The information gathered from genetic testing is a powerful tool that can help Dr. Vahora tailor medical care and treatment just for you. If a specific mutation is found in your genetic makeup, she could decide to monitor you more closely for certain symptoms, run cancer-screening tests earlier, or identify steps you can take to help prevent cancer from developing.

To see if genetic testing makes sense for you, fill out this one-minute questionnaire.

Common Questions About Myriad Genetic Testing

Anyone can benefit from discussing family history and cancer risk with their doctor, but genetic testing is not always necessary. Dr. Vahora recommends that all of her patients take this simple quiz as a starting point. People with a family history of certain cancers, who belong to an at-risk population, or who have already had cancer may be good candidates for additional screening.

Up to 10 percent of cancer patients have an inherited gene mutation. Women with certain genetic mutations have up to a 44-percent risk of developing ovarian cancer and up to an 87-percent risk of developing breast cancer over their lifetime. Nothing can perfectly predict whether you will develop cancer. But genetic testing can tell you whether you have these genetic mutations, which can help your doctor track your health, detect problems early, and treat you more effectively if necessary.

Dr. Vahora uses the Myriad MyRisk Hereditary Cancer test, which looks at 28 genes to see if you have a higher risk of breast, ovarian, gastric, colorectal, pancreatic, melanoma, prostate, and endometrial cancer.

No. A positive test result does not mean you will get cancer. It simply means you have a higher risk of developing a certain type of cancer than the average person, and your doctor may adapt your care to keep you healthy.

The first step is to take this quiz, which should take about 1 minute to complete. If the quiz indicates you should be evaluated further, your information will be sent to Dr. Vahora in a secure, private email. She will talk to you in person about whether genetic testing makes sense for you. The Myriad MyRisk Hereditary Cancer test is a quick, non-invasive test conducted in the office—either using a small blood sample or a specialized mouth rinse. Afterward, you will come in for a follow-up visit, and she will make an individualized care plan for you, depending on what your results show.

Dr. Vahora uses a multidisciplinary team approach and will build a team of expert care providers, based on which cancer is of concern. Dedicated to the philosophy of precision medicine, where health care is tailored to an individual’s needs, Dr. Vahora and your team will design a personalized plan for effective monitoring, prevention, or treatment should it be necessary.

Dr. Vahora is proactive about your health, with the goal of making you a “previvor”—someone who beats cancer before it develops. She will talk to you about whether you are a good candidate for surgery or medication, and will help identify other steps you can take to prevent cancer.

Genetic testing technology is constantly improving. Depending on your family history, the results of your questionnaire, and what tests you’ve taken in the past, your doctor might recommend that you take a new test. See your doctor to find out.

Everyone’s situation is different—even family members. Talk to your doctor about getting tested so she can look at your specific genetic makeup.

Most insurance providers cover genetic testing for hereditary cancers.

For most patients, the test is free. The Affordable Care Act requires that genetic testing for hereditary breast and ovarian cancers be free. In addition, Myriad offers a financial assistance program to keep costs low for underinsured patients, and free for patients without insurance. And Myriad will alert you if you do not qualify for coverage, so you won’t be surprised by charges.

Yes. Myriad will only share your results with the doctor who ordered the test, or with someone you have specifically designated with written consent.

Yes. Federal laws and many state laws prohibit discrimination regarding employment, health benefits, or health insurance premiums based on genetic information.

Yes. Dr. Vahora now offers the Myriad test for men. Payment for the consultation is cash only.

Dr. Vahora also offers GeneSight, a genetic test that helps doctors understand which medications–such as antidepressants and pain medications–will work best for you.

Contactless Testing

Dear friends,

We hope you are keeping well and staying safe. Although difficult, living in “lockdown” presents us with opportunities to grow in new directions. Finally, we have the time for self-care that we normally put off. Parveen S. Vahora MD wants to support the community in these goals. We are pleased to continue offering a full range of screening and counseling services—all from a safe social distance!

Contactless Counseling & Testing

The testing offered includes:

  • Genetic Testing for cancer susceptibility (myRisk) – for those with a personal or family history of cancer.
  • Preconception genetic carrier screening (Foresight) – for anyone thinking about getting pregnant in the future.

What better time to take this important action toward the health of future generations?

We invite you or your loved ones to…

Screen in Quarantine!

How does it work?

The patient experience remains largely the same, with small adjustments to make it easier for you to access screening and counseling. From the moment an individual or couple requests a screening kit, the staff at Parveen S. Vahora MD PA guides them through the entire process. Our providers create a relationship with each patient, personalizing the experience.

Inquiry → Appointment → VIRTUAL consultation → Test at home → Delivery of results

Step 1: Make an inquiry by text to 813-548-4412 or phone to 727-376-1436, email, or find us online at

Step 2: Set an appointment for a telemedicine (virtual) visit/video conference.

Step 3: Enjoy a personalized consultation session from the comforts of your home.

Step 4: Complete the test (which is mailed directly from the lab to you) and return it via USPS or FedEx Pickup—a no-contact solution.

Step 5: Dr. Vahora does a Telemedicine/virtual visit to deliver results and guides you in the next steps.

From start to finish, most patients will be seen within 1 week of the initial inquiry. Results are then delivered within approximately 3–4 weeks. After the results are reported, and if you are a carrier for any gene(s), our team helps patients navigate the next steps.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Parveen S. Vahora, MD

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