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Struggling With HSDD?

Struggling With HSDD?

Don’t feel alone. Many women have a lowered appetite for sex and have been diagnosed as having Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). HSDD can be frustrating and overwhelming as everyone’s level of sexual desire is different and it’s normal for the desires to change throughout a woman’s lifetime. Bottom line is that when your sexual desire is lacking, it impacts every aspect of your life. HSDD is common and occurs in up to one-third of the adult women in the U.S.

HSDD however is not to be confused with being asexual. Persons suffering from HSDD are distressed about their sexual functioning, i.e., low desire. The main symptoms include:

  • Unable to experience arousal
  • No desire for any sexual activity, including masturbation
  • Desiring much less sex than your partner wants, causing relationship distress
  • Difficulty achieving orgasms
  • Rarely having sexual thoughts or fantasies

Since there are no visible signs of HSDD, it’s important to talk about your sexual drive with your doctor who will be able to help determine if you have HSDD and are a candidate for therapy or medications. This disorder is extremely personal and may not be easy to talk about. Know that your doctor is here to help you and now, thanks to a scientific breakthrough, there is an FDA-approved non-hormonal pill that works – Flibanserin ADDYI! Yes, it’s your own little pink pill.

What is ADDYI? This prescription tablet treats HSDD and is meant for women who have not yet gone through menopause. Prescribed specifically for women who have not had any problems with low sexual desire in the past and who have low sexual desire regardless of the type of sexual activity, situation or partner.

Alternatively, HSDD can be treated therapeutically with the MonaLisa laser treatments, safely and discreetly in Dr. Vahora’s office.

You owe it to yourself to have a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Dealing with HSDD alone can only increase the frustration and add stress to relationships. Remember, it’s a common disorder and there is help. It’s time to say goodbye to HSDD. Call or email us for a Telehealth or in-person appointment today to learn about ADDYI!