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Preparing for Menopause

Preparing for Menopause

Menopause…the mere mention of the word brings up emotions that span from positive to negative. The positive emotions are a long-awaited “farewell” to the monthly menstruation and worries of becoming pregnant. The negative emotions are more based on fear. Fear of the symptoms you’ve heard your mother, aunt or other darling female friend complain about. Symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain, insomnia, hormonal changes, and mood swings that can last for many years. What have we doctors done to help prepare our patients for the onset of menopause?

Perhaps not enough.

Unfortunately, according to an article in AARP, “Doctors are not helpful,” says Philip M. Sarrel, professor emeritus of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive services, and of psychiatry, at the Yale School of Medicine. “They haven’t had training, and they’re not up to date.” The article goes on to say that “a Yale University review of insurance claims for 500,000 women in various stages of menopause states that while 60 percent of women with significant menopausal symptoms seek medical attention, nearly three-quarters of them are left untreated.”

Preparing for Menopause

AARP surveyed more than 400 women between ages 50 and 59 to ask about their experiences with, and attitudes toward menopause.

There is hope!

As a concerned doctor I strive to help educate our patients. We need to work with our patients from the very onset of menopause because it can be managed. We can help slow the progression of osteoporosis, easing anxiety and creating a better sex life.

By being properly informed, patients can help ease the transition with:

  • Enjoying proper nutrition
  • Balancing hormones
  • Exercising
  • Preparing mentally

Your gynecologist can help you with all of the above if you “open up” to them and talk about menopause – your fears, your anxieties, your expectations. We’re here to help! Call for a consult regardless of whether you are about to enter menopause, have just entered it, or are struggling with the ongoing symptoms.

This information is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. Should you have any questions or would like to discuss your menopause symptoms, please contact the staff at Parveen S. Vahora, MD. We are here to help.