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Menopause And Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Menopause And Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

If you’re going through menopause, you’re aware of the changes going on in your body. And if you haven’t started menopause yet, you’ll want to be educated on just what these changes are and how they will affect you. For this article, we’ll concentrate on the effect menopause has on the pelvic floor muscles.

First a little info about menopause. Most women will go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. That means that most can expect many years of life in post-menopause. Because of this, it’s important for all women to understand the “workings” of their body so that they can give themselves the best possible care. We’ve all heard about the typical menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue and irritability, but haven’t heard as much is about the effect menopause has on both your bone and pelvic wellbeing. As you enter menopause, you’ll notice that your muscles – all of them – have begun to weaken. That holds especially true for your pelvic floor muscles.

What are pelvic floor muscles?

They’re an important part of your body as they support all of the pelvic organs – the urethra, bladder, vagina and rectum – all of which are very important organs! A great description of the pelvic floor was published by Ashton-Miller and Delancey who describe the pelvic floor as being like a supportive hammock. And as these muscles weaken, the “hammock” sags and problems occur. Delancey also makes this analogy: “Pelvic health is like a bank account. Throughout life we should be investing…by making small deposits, ensuring…that the pelvic floor muscles remain strong. With the onset of menopause, we start to make small withdrawals, regularly.”

What should you do to maintain or strengthen your pelvic floor muscles?

Many exercises, called Kegels, are highly beneficial. In addition, there’s a relatively new device in our office called the Emsella chair. It’s a unique chair that produces high-frequency vibrations. It works when you sit in the chair, fully clothed, for periods of 20 to 30 minutes while receiving these vibrations that make the pelvic floor muscles contract. The result of these contractions is that the pelvic floor muscles are being strengthened in these sessions. It’s painless and the great news is that just one session equals 11,000 Kegel exercises! Usually just six sessions over a three-week period are enough to restore pelvic muscle strength!

Emsella Treatments

Read more about Emsella on our website.  We are pleased to offer Emsella therapy at our office and urge you to contact us to find out more about Emsella treatments and our pelvic floor muscle health treatment options.