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Pregnancy Passport

When to go to Mercy Health St. Rita’s Hospital

If you are near your due date—36 weeks or beyond:

  • Contractions every 5 minutes for an hour that are painful (every 7 minutes if you have had a baby before)
  • You think your water broke
  • Vaginal bleeding like a period
  • No fetal movement

If the office is open, call first. If after hours you may go right in.

If you are still pre-term—before 36 weeks:

  • Call the office and we’ll discuss your symptoms.

Call Our Office With Any Of The Following:

  1. Severe nausea/vomiting
  2. Severe lower abdominal pain
  3. Painful or burning urination
  4. Spotting or heavy bleeding
  5. Leaking or gush of fluid
  6. Severe headache unrelieved in 2-3 hours
  7. Blurred vision, fainting or dizziness
  8. Fever greater than 102°F that does not respond to Tylenol
  9. Sudden swelling of face or hands

*You will need to go to Mercy Health St. Rita’s for any Hospital Care*


We recommend that no unnecessary medication be taken, especially in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. If medication is absolutely necessary please choose from the following list:

What to take for:


B6, Zantac, Benadryl, Pepcid AC, Doxylamine (Unisom) 1/2 tablet




Mylanta, Riopan, Gelusil Plus Liquid, Tums, Maalox, Zantac, Pepcid, Omeprazole, Prevacid or Nexium


Colace, Metamucil, Increase fibers and fluids if ineffective, Milk of Magnesia, Miralax


Benadryl, hot milk, Unisom

Stuffy Nose

Saline nose drops, Sudafed


Tylenol Sinus/Allergy, Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin

Head Colds

Any over the counter except Ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil products and Nyquil

Bringing Down Fever


Sore Throat

Gargle with Cepacol; Cepacol Lozenges (salt water gargle)


Plain Robitussin, Cough Drops


Imodium AD


Any over the counter prep (Example: Preparation H or Tucks)

Yeast Infection

Any over the counter cream (Example: Monistat)