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Marion Family Care Health Awareness Profiles

3rd Week of Every Month (All Week Long)

Dates for 2025:

  • January 13th - 17th
  • February 10th - 14th
  • March 10th - 14th
  • April 14th - 18th
  • May 12th - 16th
  • June 16th - 20th
  • July 14th - 18th
  • August 11th - 15th
  • September 15th - 19th
  • October 13th - 17th
  • November 10th - 14th
  • December 15th - 19th

Hours: 8:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:15 pm to 2:30 pm

New Cost: $40

A PSA or TSH can be added for an additional charge of $5.00 per test. We accept cash, charge, or check (make out to Marion Family Care).

Register with Dr. Raymond Gardner’s office: 
2nd Floor of the Marion Medical Plaza Building
1069 Delaware Ave., Suite 205
Marion, Ohio 43302

Profile test includes:

Glucose BUN
Creatinine Sodium
Potassium Calcium
Chloride Carbon Dioxide
Total Protein Albumin
Total Bilirubin Alkaline
ALT/AST Triglyceride
Cholesterol CBC w/diff
HDL/LDL Phosphatase
Hemoglobin A1c  

Fasting: Nothing to eat or drink 10-12 hours before test. You can have water or black coffee.

Monday - Friday 
Results must be sent to patient’s primary care doctor.

If you have any questions, please call 740-223-3496.