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Cupping increases circulation

The suction from the cups increases circulation to the area where the cups are placed. The additional blood flow to that area can help relieve muscle tension and promote cell repair. Increasing circulation with cupping also helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Cupping encourages tissues to release toxins

Yes, you do have organs that remove toxins from your blood. But the modern lifestyle overloads your body with toxins. Cupping gives your body a boost in releasing those toxins. Focused blood flow helps your body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system. (Your lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating your body’s toxins and waste.)

Cupping reduces anxiety

When your therapist glides the cups across your skin, your parasympathetic nervous system engages. This promotes deep relaxation to move through your entire body. (Your parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for slowing your heart rate, assisting in digestion, and increasing intestinal and gland activity.)

Cupping can reduce stretch marks and scars

Increased blood flow enables your body to dispose of toxins, restores lymphatic circulation, and helps remove edema (excess fluid), which helps reduce the appearance of scarring. Studies have shown the positive effects of cupping on stretch marks and scars even in areas that are far from the area where the cups are applied.

Cupping can improve varicose veins and spider veins

Varicose veins look like bulging, bluish veins just under your skin, usually on legs and feet. They happen when the valves inside the vein aren’t working properly—the valves don’t effectively push the blood from the muscle back to the heart, so the blood congests and the veins twist and bulge. Cupping helps by bringing fresh blood flow and oxygen back to the problem areas. You’ll notice your varicose veins appear lighter after your first session, though it will take a series of cupping sessions for lasting results. (Note: only dry, not wet, cupping is recommended for treating varicose veins. At Resolution Health, we only practice dry cupping.)

Cupping can clear congestion and help treat asthma

Congestion (the buildup of fluid or phlegm in your lungs) caused by a cold, bronchitis, or even asthma can be treated with cupping. The suction from cups breaks up and expels congestion. It brings oxygen rich blood and lymph toward your lungs and your other respiratory muscles. Cups are usually placed on your back, but may be placed on your chest as well. Your therapist may leave the cups in place, or may gently glide them in an upward motion to facilitate the movement of the lymph fluid. Facial cupping can also be used to help unblock your sinuses.

Cupping can clear colon blockages and aid digestion

Cupping helps to engage the parasympathetic nervous system, which increases blood flow to the digestive tract. Gentle cupping over the abdomen also stimulates the insides of your digestive organs. It aids in peristalsis (contractions that push food through your digestive tract), helps clear colon blockages, encourages blood and body-fluid to move through your organs, and helps relieve indigestion. ​

Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine technique using heated glass cups or suction cup placed on the back of the body, creating a suction on specified areas to promote smooth flow of blood and Qi. This also helps to release tension and adhesions along tight muscle bands. It is also proven to be effective to treat acute pain (spasm, strain, sprain), chronic pain, abdominal disorder, cough, and lymphatic drainage.

Since cupping acts like deep tissue massage, it has been found that it affects the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear colon blockages, help activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, activate the skin function, clear stretch marks and improve varicose veins. That is why patient feels it was so relax and the pain has gone after receiving cupping treatment.

Cupping is a therapeutic technique used in conjunction with acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion and Chinese herbal medicine. It is one of the common practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Cupping was created as a body work treatment by ancient Chinese nearly 3,000 years ago; it tends to improve circulation by bringing fresh blood to the outer layer of the skin. 

Meridians are the conduits in the body through which energy flows to every part of the body and reaches every organs and tissues. There are five major meridians on the back being used for cupping treatment; there are some specific meridians and acupuncture points on the neck, chest, abdomen, buttocks and limbs available as well. When the meridians are open, invigorating energy freely travels to the whole length of the body, and then does the healing begin.

Each cupping session is about 10 to 20 minutes. When the skin gets sucked up and rises under the cup the blood rushes up. It does not hurt. Patient just feels like someone is pulling at their skin.

After the treatment, circular marks may be left on the skin where the cups were and subside after a day or two, and eventually disappear. The principle of cupping is to improve circulation, drain excess fluids and toxins, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue, bring blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles and stimulate the peripheral nervous system.

Study suggests that cupping can be beneficial to of respiratory system such as the common cold, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis; digestive system such as colitis, sensitive bowl syndrome, indigestion, malnourishment, eating disorder; and musculoskeletal pain, neurogenic pain, menstrual cramp, chronic fatigue syndrome, and so on.

Wet Cupping:

It is another way of treating method from ancient times. It helps to suck out the blood and allow the blood to regrow in your system again. The main effect of wet cupping therapy is associated with precipitation of blood circulation, thereby removing blood stasis and waste from the body. 

How often should you do wet cupping?

Generally speaking, patients under the age of 60 tolerate cupping quite well. Once or twice weekly treatment can safely be administered (with the exception of bleeding cupping). ​

Cupping may ease symptoms of:

  • Arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Back pain, neck pain, knee pain and shoulder pain.
  • Breathing problems, such as asthma.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel disease (IBD).
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension).

How do you know where to put cupping?

It is based on your health issue. Cupping is most commonly done along the back, shoulders, and posterior neck, but sometimes the forearms, hamstrings, and lower legs (calves) are done as needed. When I work with patients, I use an integrative approach and apply cups based on the meridians AND muscles involved in their condition

What do cupping marks look like?

Depending on the amount of suction and the state of the underlying tissues, cupping can leave circular marks on the skin that range from a light yellow to pinkish red to dark purple. From an acupuncture perspective, the darker the marks, the more stagnation of qi and blood in that area. Like a tennis ball size of circle with pink, purple, or pale, brownish color after the cupping was out. ​

What toxins does cupping remove?

Blood vessels in the treated areas by cupping are dilated by release of vasodilators such as adenosine, noradrenaline, and histamine, which lead to increased blood circulation.

Cupping marks’ type and color explained

  • Water drops in the cup, cold or dampness
  • Blisters/bubbles after cupping, normally means dampness, accumulated fluids in the tissues, and cold
  • Pale skin marks after cupping, feel cold on the skin; deficiency cold or dampness
  • Dark, purple spot cupping marks , stagnation and cold
  • Light or bright red spot cupping marks, Qi and blood deficiency, Yin deficiency
  • Little dark spots scattered in the cupping mark, deep Qi and blood stagnation
  • Skin lines in the cupping marks or itch feeling after cupping, wind or dampness