About Us
"Prevention Is The Best Medicine"
The providers at the Clark Brown Family Care Clinic couldn’t agree more with this statement! As primary care providers, we believe in keeping you healthy with exams that focus on strengths and set achievable goals for wellness. We rely on the latest research and guidelines to help you make decisions about health maintenance and disease prevention.
At Clark Brown Family Care Clinic, we provide a variety of healthcare services of your choice. Dr. Cheryl Clark-Brown, founder of Clark Brown Family Care Clinic, started her practice in East Austin in 2009 offering her health services as a primary care physician providing physical exams, weight loss treatments, asthma treatments, allergy treatments, high blood pressure treatments, and other services. She since then has expanded her services in adding acupuncture and lymphatic message therapy. The acupuncture service offers acupressure, pain management services, moxibustion, and more! We also offer Aesthetic services with Esthetique De Luxe owned and operated by our provider Jonathan Escobedo.