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News & Announcements

 Corporate Concierge Health
Your Employer Offers Corporate Concierge Health – What Concierge Patient Services Do You Get?

Oct 8

October 8, 2016 By Florin Selaru We discussed the cost of Corporate Concierge Health in a previous post. Here, we will expand on the topic of what Clarii Concierge Patient... Read More

Early Cancer Diagnosis
Primary Care and Early Cancer Diagnosis – The Role of Liquid Biopsy

Mar 6

March 6, 2017 By Florin Selaru Early Cancer Diagnosis with a Blood Draw In Your Primary Care Doctor’s Office? Early cancer diagnosis in a primary care setting is a timely... Read More

Obamacare Uncertainty
Obamacare Uncertainty and Why It Matters for Businesses of All Sizes

Jan 6

January 6, 2017 By Florin Selaru Obamacare Uncertainty Affects Businesses of All Sizes Obamacare uncertainty is on everybody’s mind. I don’t think anybody can accurately predict just what will happen. Obamacare may be... Read More

Save Money
Is Your Business Self-Funded? Here Are Two Ways to Save Money with Corporate Concierge Health

Sep 30

September 30, 2016 By Florin Selaru Why Self Funded Employers are Rewarded by a Healthier Workforce Self-funding, according to the Health Care Administrators Association, is a health insurance structure. Self-funded businesses... Read More

Clarii Health
How Corporate Concierge Health Results in Lower Corporate Healthcare Costs in 5 Easy Steps

Oct 12

October 12, 2016 By Florin Selaru Here Is the Recipe to Lower Corporate Healthcare Costs All employers strive to lower corporate healthcare costs. Dr. Cindi Slater, who teaches at Harvard Medical School,... Read More

 Small Business Owner
Get a Corporate Concierge Doctor for Your Business for 35 Cents an Hour – Brief Guide

Sep 24

September 24, 2016 By Florin Selaru You Are a Small Business Owner. An Employee Just Called in Sick. If you don’t already have a corporate concierge doctor, what is your... Read More

Health Benefits for Small Business Owners
Corporate Concierge Health Can Solve the Challenge of Health Benefits for Small Business Owners

Sep 19

September 19, 2016 By Florin Selaru Regulatory Burden of Providing Health Benefits It would be an understatement to say that small businesses are important for the US economy in general,... Read More

Employee wellness program
Beyond Wellness, HRAs and Biometrics – Emerging Strategies to Promote Corporate Health

Oct 1

October 1, 2016 By Florin Selaru Can You Improve Health Through Online Questionnaires? Businesses utilizing Corporate Concierge Health benefit from happier, healthier employees at a favorable price point. In a... Read More