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Pediatrics is a priority.

Are you pregnant? New to the Virginia Beach area? Looking for a doctor for your kids? Set up a time to visit our office to get familiar with our great family practice.

A newborn doctor who treats you like family.

Newborns are special to us all. Be assured our doctors will treat your newborn like family. Call us after your delivery to schedule your baby’s first physical between two days to a week after birth. We will evaluate the health of your baby and get a baseline of their weight.

For safety, we provide a separate entrance for newborns to minimize exposure to illness.

For parents of newborns, our practitioner will give you their contact number so you have quick access for questions or in case of an emergency.

Parents Rest Easy – We Have Pediatric Urgent Care

Maybe this has happened to you…

Your toddler wakes up one morning with a fever and cough. As mom or dad, you feel a sense of urgency to have them cared for by their own doctor as soon as possible. But can you get an appointment on such short notice?

At Blackwood Family Medicine, yes, you can. Urgent care for kids is central to our service as your child’s doctor.

We set aside same day appointments daily for the urgent needs of our patients and our sick kids are just as urgent as our ill adult.

With our extended office hours (7:30am to 6:30pm Monday through Thursday; 7:30am to 5:30pm Friday). We know being able to get an appointment that won’t interfere with your work schedule is important to you so we offer convenient times to fit your busy life.

What about pediatric after hours care?

At this time, we do not currently have a pediatric after hours clinic. If you need after hours care, simply call the office main phone number and our excellent medical answering service will take your information and contact your child’s doctor. They will return your call or the doctor will contact you directly as soon as possible.

If you need to take your child to an emergency room for treatment, the ER staff will relay that information back to our office so we can follow up after your child’s release.

Vaccines for Children

Children who are healthy are required by law in many areas to be vaccinated and it is an important aspect of your child’s overall healthcare plan. Blackwood Family Medicine has the schedule of suggested childhood vaccines in our office and we will set up appointments as your child is due.

We follow the CDC immunization schedule for infants, children, and adolescents to ensure the well-being of all pediatric patients.

General Healthcare for Children – Parents as Partners

Blackwood Family Medicine will team up with you to provide educational materials on critical factors that affect your child’s growth and development.

Like no other doctor for kids.

We aim to offer family-centered care, something not often achieved at other pediatric clinics.

Access to the latest medical technology combined with recording parent input makes our health care for children among the best available.

Nutrition – information on daily balanced nutrient needs, vitamin needs at different stages, calorie intake guidelines, etc.

Stimulation or physical activity – vital to development of the mind and body help babies, children, and teens develop to their fullest.

Developmental milestones – age when first smiled, rolled over, crawled, walked, talked, etc. This data helps your doctor determine if your child’s development is on target.

Education is key to raising great and healthy kids. Charts and information are available in our office.

Parental input enhances great health care for children.

There are also several areas of priority that the critical eye of parental observation proves beneficial to your child’s doctor. This includes:

  • Eating habits – appetite, allergies, tries new foods, likes and dislikes.
  • Age when reached certain milestones.
  • Behavior patterns – mostly happy, cries often, thumb sucking, seems afraid, anxious (as get older).
  • Social Skills – interaction with peers (very active vs. no interaction), any problems.