About Us
Welcome to Allay Primary Care, Houston Texas. We are founded on a singular promise – practice medicine the way it was meant to be practiced. In this modern world a visit to a doctor can be stressful, confusing, and scary. At Allay Primary Care, we promise to do everything in our ability to make your visit with us easy, stress-free, and friendly.
Our promise is in our name – “Allay - to reduce or diminish”. That’s exactly what we do. We allay your pain, your stress, your anxiety, and provide you with highest quality of care every step of the way. Dr. Nagi and her staff are skilled professionals who love the patients and families they serve. Come on in and get to know Dr. Nagi and the Allay Primary Care staff and learn why our patients love us.
What is the Privia Medical Group?
To practice medicine the way it was meant to be practiced – with empathy, care, and personalization - Allay Primary Care needs to be independent (instead of becoming part of a big hospital group). For this reason, we chose to partner with Privia Medical Group. This partnership affords us resources like a best-in-class electronic medical system, a mobile app for our patients, online scheduling, virtual office visits, etc. They take care of the electronic operations and back end activities of the healthcare system so that we can remain focused on what we set out to do in the first place – provide our patients with personalized, compassionate, and highest value care for our patients. Here’s more information about Privia Medial Group.
Office Staff:
Rachel Griffin, Office Manager.